Last month HBO requested the raw interview footage I shot, with Steve Webster of Impact Design,
of the hot local game design folks Disruptor Beam, for the Game of Thrones Ascent trailer.
Turns out they've incorporated it into a featurette that is airing on HBO starting this weekend! I haven't seen it yet and I'm mighty curious to see what they've done with it.
Best of all, I can now cross the "have footage I shot run in an interstitial featurette on HBO" off my bucket list. Onward and upwards!
The featurette started airing yesterday and is scheduled to air at these times, as well:
Game of Thrones Ascent Featurette Air Times: May 11th-13th
Saturday at 2:29pm on HBO Signature
Saturday at 5:17pm on HBO Signature
Saturday at 9:39pm on HBO
Sunday at 1:07am on HBO Signature
Sunday at 1:33am on HBO Zone
Sunday at 1:08pm on HBO Zone
Sunday at 6:58pm on HBO2
Sunday at 7:12pm on HBO
Sunday at 11:01pm on HBO Signature
Monday at 3:48am on HBO
Monday at 9:39am on HBO
Monday at 12:04pm on HBO Comedy
Monday at 9:00pm on HBO Zone